OSHA Construction Safety Training

Construction Safety Training by the RHCA Safety Council

RHCA FREE Fall Protection Classes Provided Through the Susan Harwood GrantWhy is Fall Protection Important?         Texas Remains #1 for construction worker injuries and fatalities, and Falls are the #1 cause of injuries and deaths.

        • Can prevent falls: Fall protection training can help workers understand the risks of working at heights and how to use fall protection equipment properly. This can help to prevent falls and save lives.
        • Can reduce injuries: Even if a fall does occur, fall protection training can help to reduce the severity of injuries. This is because workers who are trained in fall protection are more likely to use the equipment properly and to be aware of their surroundings.
        • Can save money: Fall protection training can help to save employers money in the long run. This is because falls can result in lost productivity, medical expenses, and legal fees.
        • Who is Offering this Training: The RHCA Safety Council is offering free fall protection training to construction workers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and throughout Texas. The training is sponsored by the Susan Harwood Grant, and it is provided in partnership with local safety experts. The training will cover the basics of fall protection, including fall hazards, fall prevention, and fall rescue. Workers who complete the training will receive a certificate of completion. 
        • Class Schedule: Classes are available in English or Spanish


Fall Protection Class Materials:

This material was produced under grant number SH-SH-0000-36-SH3 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations implied endorsement by the U.S. Government.

Construction companies with fewer than 20 employees account for 75% of fatal falls“… Are you a small business with fewer than 20 employees?

Get the OSHA construction safety training you need in English or Spanish:

We offer a wide range of OSHA-approved construction safety training courses, including…

      • OSHA 10, OSHA 30
      • CPR, First Aid & AED
      • Rigging Safety
      • Silica Hazards
      • Competent Person
      • Trench Safety, and more.

Our training is tailored to your needs, so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of your learning experience.

We also offer various scheduling options so you can find a day and time that works for you.

Join the RHCA Safety Council Committee… learn more

Need an OSHA 10 or 30? – Click Here

RHCA Mobile Training, Construction Safety Training comes to you.

For more information on Safety Training or to book a private class, please contact Marina Castro at 972-786-0909 or email [email protected]


Class Schedule – Fall Protection Training

Susan Harwood Training Grant
English and Spanish in Dallas and Fort Worth